Tuesday, February 8, 2011

                                                   My Brave New Universe
Greetings Earthlings,

My interdimensional self-awareness indicates I have been propelled through some hellish wormhole in my sleep. I find myself in a parallel dimension; an alternate universe. My new reality is in many ways superimposed on the one that you know and I knew, but I suspect you may find events in my new cosmic paradigm beyond the capacity of your constricted terrestrial parameters. Allow me to explain.

In my old universe, it would have been fair to say Obama and Reagan were ideological anti matter. Reagan was the ineffaceable image of conservative ideology. Barack Obama was a confirmed left-winger, a big bureaucracy tax and stimulate liberal, a progressive fellow who had adopted a covert anti-colonialist bent. Not so here. In my new cosmic diggs, Barack Obama is extraordinarily similar to Ronald Reagan. So much so, they are pals on the cover of a magazine! Eerie huh? And I don’t know how the President resonates politically anymore where you are but when he makes speeches here, he channels the spirit of Ronald Reagan. I know! All the press says so, folks like Andrea Mitchell, Jeff Greenfield, Christiane Amanpour, Katie Couric, and the LA Times use words like “Reaganesque”. Eerie, but true, so I cannot be delusional!

Can you sympathize with my shock? The Obama in my old world was once declared the most liberal senator in the U.S. senate by the National Journal. He had dubious associations with radicals, even in his own administration. He loved to demonize and tax producers of wealth while spending vast quantities of public money based on Keynesian drivel. He used the government coffers to buy major corporations and passed a law to allow the government to incrementally co-opt his country’s healthcare system.

Ronald Reagan once said, “Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem”. The other-dimensional Obama thought colossal centralized government was always the solution to his nation’s ills and government must “win the future”. In fact, your Obama seemed to believe there was not a problem his administration could not solve. Reagan said, “You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” I just know my new President Obama agrees because he’s always for the little guy too!

So I guess I should be happy. No complaints here with presidents Obama and Reagan being so similar and all. Things are much better in my brave new world.

Yes, I’m very happy.

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